Final Farewell

Mayauru the fairy lost her memory and lived alone in the forest. One day a girl happened to come by and they became friends. The girl called lots of friends and they all played happily but Mayauru wasn't human and aged slowly. The children grew up and eventually forgot about Mayauru. And then, the girl that she first met... was the only one left. But that girl grew up and wouldn't play with her anymore. Even so, the grown-up girl couldn't forget Mayauru and came back. Finally, Mayauru gave the lonely-looking girl a present. Words of farewell. Until then, people didn't know of the words of farewell. Mayauru was a farewell fairy. She'd forgotten that because it's painful to have nothing but farewells. The grown-up girl learned the words from Mayauru. And that girl who knew the words of farewell...? She became the world's kindest person. Shouldn't we just part with a smile? Sayounara.
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
Last Episode
The time for farewells is finally upon me and I would bear it as happily as I could. Besides from the fact that it is inevitable, everyone knew right from the start that I am just a fleeting shadow -- just passing by;but nonetheless, they befriended me. Just like Mayauru, being an exchange student is like being a farewell fairy. First I said goodbye to my family, to my friends, to my life and went off to a land unknown. I've found myself a new family and met a lot of friends to play with, momentarily forgetting that I am a farewell fairy and that before I know it, I would be saying farewells all over again. This time, a farewell that just doesn't say "I'll see you later" but, mixed with the fear of the reality that can happen, "We'll never see each other again".

Farewells should not be "I'll never see you again" but rather "I had fun being with you" because if the words "I'll never see you again" wouldn't do anything to change your fate, it is just folly to do it.

This is my gift to you: my words of farewell.
Farewell that says "I had fun being with you"
Farewell that says "I am a better person after I met you"
Farewell that says "I will never forget you"
Farewell that says "You are always in my heart"
Farewell that says "Thank you for everything"
Farewell that says "I love you"

I am, but a fairy of farewells.
Shall we part then with a smile?

Good bye.
Ha det.
Au revoir.
Auf Wiedersehen.

PS: for wrong translations, just send me a message.

September 19, 2006

16.09.06 Oslo with Killian and Others

Forrige Lørdag, vi vært til Oslo og jeg ble der fra kl 10.30 til 8.00. Vi bare gikk rundt og gjorde ingenting. >.<

It's nice to meet up with Elizabeth, Killian, Matteus, Ignaz and Flavio. We also met some people from the other camp which I forgot the names. As the first sentence told, we just walked around, doing absolutely nothing but talk and eat. Mostly talk. But at the end of the day, we did manage to go to the park with all the naked statues (I forgot the name of the park) and stayed there and relaxed a bit. It was nice to talk with my old group mates again (Killian, Elizabeth, Matteus and I are in the same group, and they were also living quite far from me, so its nice to talk with them again).. We basically shared things about our families, school, activities, problems (with money, most of the time) and future meetings.

I guess their 234 kroners wasn't entirely wasted.. I think. (very expensive bus)

now I'm deciding if I will go to the Pølsefest with my host brother. (I think he doesn't want to come because he's playing almost all the time. Kinda reminds me of myself when I was back at home.)

Oh yeah, haven't posted that I joined a Basketball team in Asker. We are about 11 - 13 people and most of them are good. (Better than me, I'm quite sure. I was like the suckiest of all. >.<)

And for making money, I'm thinking of washing cars because whenever I pass the streets, I always see dirty cars and it sorts of annoys me..(Obsessive Compulsive here).. I'm still thinking how I can get customers and how much to charge them though.. I've seen a Self-wash center and it's 10 kroners for 35 seconds.. I guess it's safe to charge 150 - 200 kroners then.. $_$

1 comment:

mixedmasks said...

ryu!we are really missing you here..and you look like one of my classmates..when would i hear your anime songs again?nyahaha..