Final Farewell

Mayauru the fairy lost her memory and lived alone in the forest. One day a girl happened to come by and they became friends. The girl called lots of friends and they all played happily but Mayauru wasn't human and aged slowly. The children grew up and eventually forgot about Mayauru. And then, the girl that she first met... was the only one left. But that girl grew up and wouldn't play with her anymore. Even so, the grown-up girl couldn't forget Mayauru and came back. Finally, Mayauru gave the lonely-looking girl a present. Words of farewell. Until then, people didn't know of the words of farewell. Mayauru was a farewell fairy. She'd forgotten that because it's painful to have nothing but farewells. The grown-up girl learned the words from Mayauru. And that girl who knew the words of farewell...? She became the world's kindest person. Shouldn't we just part with a smile? Sayounara.
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
Last Episode
The time for farewells is finally upon me and I would bear it as happily as I could. Besides from the fact that it is inevitable, everyone knew right from the start that I am just a fleeting shadow -- just passing by;but nonetheless, they befriended me. Just like Mayauru, being an exchange student is like being a farewell fairy. First I said goodbye to my family, to my friends, to my life and went off to a land unknown. I've found myself a new family and met a lot of friends to play with, momentarily forgetting that I am a farewell fairy and that before I know it, I would be saying farewells all over again. This time, a farewell that just doesn't say "I'll see you later" but, mixed with the fear of the reality that can happen, "We'll never see each other again".

Farewells should not be "I'll never see you again" but rather "I had fun being with you" because if the words "I'll never see you again" wouldn't do anything to change your fate, it is just folly to do it.

This is my gift to you: my words of farewell.
Farewell that says "I had fun being with you"
Farewell that says "I am a better person after I met you"
Farewell that says "I will never forget you"
Farewell that says "You are always in my heart"
Farewell that says "Thank you for everything"
Farewell that says "I love you"

I am, but a fairy of farewells.
Shall we part then with a smile?

Good bye.
Ha det.
Au revoir.
Auf Wiedersehen.

PS: for wrong translations, just send me a message.

November 28, 2006

Sprained Ankle and Growling Stomach

Yesterday, during training, I sprained my ankle. It was a rebound and when I was falling down, I landed on my right ankle (which is quite a stupid thing to do, believe me.) It was probably my socks' fault because it's too smooth and my feet slipped inside my shoes. Or probably it's my horrible balance? >_> But anyway, I went home, feeling bad because of all days, of all the times, it's now that this should happen! why?!
A. Because I was planning to go swimming after training at the Swimming Hall right beside the court.
B. Because we have a game on saturday and sunday against one of the best teams in the tourny.
C. Because it's getting colder now and I would never want my feet to be just clad in socks when it's freezing.
D. Well, because I just hate getting hurt.

but anyway.. Today, I woke up quite early, on account that my ankle was hurting about, but I woke at 5.30 AM. And I'm telling you, I was freaking hungry. But I couldn't go down because
A. Everyone else is asleep.
B. The night before they told me to rest and I don't really know if going down would be classified as hard work.
C. I can't freaking walk properly, can I?

so, I laid there in my bed, with a vacuum in my stomach and waiting for someone to wake up or at least knock on my door. I ended up eating breakfast at 10 AM. Then I started playing FFTactics for a while then here comes my host mother, going again with bull saying that I shouldn't play all the time. Gosh! I just started for like freaking 10 minutes! and then she came back 20 minutes later just to say the same thing. I wasn't even finish with the map and haven't gotten to save. ARGH!!!

Anyway, off I go. Chat with my dear dad. Gosh, I miss my family. My real family.

November 27, 2006

Because I just woke up..

Have some tic-tac-toe!


Game Code 4 your page

November 24, 2006

Bærbar PC

Idag, kjopt jeg min egen bærbar PC! Og jeg bruker den nå.
hmm.. kanskje, det blir litt dårlig for min skyld fordi jeg kunne miste kontroll over min databruk men jeg skal prøve å bruke ikke denne så mye.
så, jeg har min egen PC. hva å gjøre på den?
Onlin Spill: Selvfølgelig ikke! Denne er den først og fremst ting som kan driver meg å miste kontrol over meg.
Photoshop: Kanskje. Jeg begynte å drive med 'icons' nylig og laget noe nå.
Musikk: Selvfølgelig. Musikk er alltid godt.
HTML/Webdesign: Litt enig. Forbedre min kunnskap om denne måte.

hmm.. skal vi se.. kanskje, den er mer om dette men nå, er det alt jeg kan tenke på.
men, forresten.. nylig, Raghnild har vært litt irritert nå. Hun alltid si at jeg må gjøre den og denne. Og alltid at hun tror at jeg må bli sosialt med andre ungdom, osv. Tingen er jeg er ikke den slag person. Jeg liker ikke å være med andre mennesker alltid. Kanskje, mest av tiden. Den er på grunn at jeg kan bli bare med min egen selv og ikke bli ensom. Jeg er min egen bestevenn. Kanskje, hun prøver å forandre meg om tanken at det er bedre for meg. Å bli kjent med alt jeg kan møte. Men, den er ikke sånn. Der er mange typer av mennesker og der er ingen typer som er "beste" eller "verst." Samme med AFS sa, "Not better, not worse, just different." Jeg håper at hun skal se den.

Men jeg liker ikke å kverulere med henne fordi hun har nok problemer med Fredrik. Ofte, kan jeg høre eller se dem kverulere. Noen gang på veldig veldig vanlig ting. Så, jeg vil ikke "add up to the weight." Åja, når jeg fortalte dem at jeg kjopt en PC, huns reaksjon var sånn jeg trodde skal bli.

Today, I bought my own PC and I'm using it now.
maybe, it will be a little bad for my sake because i could lose control over my use of it but, wouldn't it be a test of will? I will stop myself from using it too much.
but.. uhh.. I have a laptop; what do I do with it?
MMORPG: Definitely not! It's one of those things that cause me to lose control.
Photoshop: Probably. I've been around making LJ icons quite recently and I enjoy it. ^_^
Music: Definitely! Music is always good! ~_~
HTML/Webdesign: Yes, probably. I want to change the look of my blogs. I'm a little bit tired of them now.

but, anyway..
Raghnild have been a little irritating quite recently. She always tells me to do this and that. And she always thinks that I should be more sociable. Like get to know everyone in my class and go out of the house instead of staying in. It starts to make me think that she doesn't want me inside the house (in the literal sense, though.) The thing is, I'm not that kind of person that needs to know everyone in the class. The kind of person that needs to go out all the time. I'm not that.Maybe, she's trying to change me, thinking that I will be a better person if I became that. But no, there's lots of kinds of persons in the world. And no such kind of person is the best and the worst. It's just that we're different. Different, but not wrong or worse.

But anyway.. enough about that. I just hope she sees my point. I want her to see it herself, without my suggestions or input.

oh well.. that's that.
Thanks dad for the financial support.
Specs are:
Price: 6.000 Norwegian Kroners
Processor: Intel Celeron M 1.46Ghz
RAM: 512MB
VC: Integrated ATI Graphics Card
VCM: 128MB
Hard Disk Memory: 60GB
USBSlots: 2
Disk Drive: DVD Multi Recorder, 8xDVD,24xCD
Wireless Network Support: Yes
WAN: not sure
LAN: Yes
Modem: should this even be asked?
Weight: around 2-3Kgs
VistaReady: It says on the Logo here but I don't think so... (I want the 3D effect so I think not.. hehehe)
OS: Windows XP Home 2nd Edition, Original (What do you expect? it's norway!)

November 19, 2006

19.11.2006 Lenge Siden..

It's been a long time since I've posted.. since my last post, the following have happened:

- My team lost for the first time.. 58-64, I think.. but they were very good, really.. and I think their PG was Filipino and he plays great! plus, they have this hulking guy that dunked twice. (though dunks don't win the game. =P)
- It snowed for 3 days and went away again because it rained.
- I quit my music class in school because they're just too good and I don't really like what they're studying..
- It feels like fall again, instead of winter.
- Went with Soki to Oslo to go with her shopping. (It's something special because I don't usually go out of the house. Usually too lazy to go out. =P)
- Had Pizza night with AFS
- Had a weekend with visitors every evening.. >_> got to practice my norwegian indirectly. >_>
- Burned a lot of discs to listen to, as well as hearing the APO revival album.
- Still haven't got my PIN-code from the bank. (">_>)
- Had a little quarrel with Rizza.
- Just sent some of you guys mail.
- Planned in working out everyday. (Just planning, I hope I get it to work and not get lazy)

hmm.. what else.. I guess nothing much out of the ordinary..

November 5, 2006

05.11.06 Andre Kamp

Vant igjen med 71-56 mot Sandvika.
Fikk bare 4 poeng men den var gøy. ^^
Vil poste bilder senere.

November 1, 2006

01.11.2006 Winter

It's officially (for me), winter here.
It's 0ºc, puddles of water became puddles of ice..
morning dew turned to morning frost..
and the once gentle breeze turned into billowing winds..

the worst period is coming..
I don't know if I can stand it..
I hope.. really.. I hope.. I'll be able to..
the dark period of the year..
but today.. the sun is shining..
I hope is still does.. I wish it will always do.

October 24, 2006

24.10.2006 Time is of the Essence

It will be almost 3 months now.
3 months since I first left and first arrived.
Left from the place I've known since I was a kid.
Arrived in a place I'll start to learn on for a year.
Questions always flood my mind.
How will I change?
Will I be able to manage?
What will I do?
What should I do?
How will things change?
Am I being missed?
Am I accepted?
When will I understand?
How will I understand?
Should time be really the essence?

And for the time being, I don't know the answers yet.
Probably I will never know.

October 22, 2006

22.10.2006 Søndag

I går kveld, vi har hatt en fest hos Flavio (fra Brazil) og den var gøy. men jeg var ikke der mange tid fordi jeg var utenfor, vent og hent Ignaz. Men det var litt godt fordi var jeg med Cho Kiu alltid og vi har hatt lenge tid å snakke. Jeg lært veldig mye om hun og hun lært veldig mye om meg (jeg er sikkert). Så, tid var ikke kastet som ingenting.

Men, når vi var kommer hjemme, var det litt probleme. Toget har kommer ikke. Så, Soki snakket med huns vertsfar og han skal hente oss. Takk Gud! men i dag, trenger jeg å hent min sykkel på Billingstad stasjon fordi jeg har tatt sykkel til Billingstad stasjon fra hjemme. Jeg håper det er der fremdeles.

October 21, 2006

21.10.2006 På Hjemme

Hmm.. haayy!! jeg har hatt en slitsom uke. Først, forrige lørdag, vi har hatt en kamp mot Driv og vi vant! 27-66 men jeg har ingen poeng. ja vel, alt i orden. hmm.. og på mandag, jeg har hatt en prøver i Eldre Historie og i går, i Norsk. Jeg synes det var litt vanskelig men jeg prøvd å skrive på norsk fordi jeg trenger å øve. Det var godt at datamaskinene på skolen har electronisk ordbok og det hjelp meg å skrive raskere. og i kveld, jeg vil dra til hos Flavio for en liten fest. Jeg synes den vil veldig gøy fordi vil jeg møte de andre AFS-studenter igjen. Siste gang, var den litt dumt fordi jeg har dratt veldig tidlig. Jeg håper mange vil kommer.

Som.. Jeg trenger å kjøpe vintersko men bli tom jeg av penger og min PIN-koda for min bankkort har ikke kommet. Jeg trenger det veldig snart. Jeg spurt banken hva kan de gjore om min problemer og de satt at de skal sendte andre PIN-koda i en uke. men.. det er mer enn en uke.

Hmm.. haayyy! I had a tiring weak. First, last saturday, we had a match against Driv and we won! 27-66, but I didn't get to make a score. but I'm happy, nonetheless. And I had tests this week, last monday on Eldre Historie and yesterday on Norwegian. I think it was a little difficult but I still tried to write in norwegian because I do need a little practice. It was good that the PCs at school has this electronic dictionary in it that made my work go faster. Tonight, I'll be going to Flavio's house for a little halloween party. I think it will be very fun because I get to meet the others again. Last time, we left quite early. I'm hoping many will come tonight.

So.. I need to buy wintershoes but I'm running out of cash. And my PIN-code for my bank card hasn't arrived yet. I need it very soon. I asked the bank what can they do with my problem and they said that they will send another PIN-code within a week's time. But it's more than a week now! >_>

October 11, 2006

11.10.2006 English Writing Session2

Evaluate my work (Although I'm sure it sucks!)

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”

Ever heard your parents say that you got your house and lot from your grandparents and that it has been passed down for generations through your family? Or that the house that you live in now is the memento of your parents for your family? People always had the notion that what has been owned in the past will still continue to be owned in the present. But then, how about the idea of everything being owned by the future and just borrowed by the present? Wouldn't it be easier to take care of, knowing the feeling of lending somebody a kitchen knife and expecting it to be back to you in the same state, if not better, when you lent it? It's never the question of ownership, it's the question of treatment.

The Past

The earth has been inhabited by humans for quite a long time now. It has witnessed all of man's success and failures. From the discovery of fire to the devastation of the nuclear warhead, it has been there, no matter how afflicted, to act as a home for mankind. Parts of the word have been claimed by different people as their own but they pass on, leaving behind the lands they once claimed and returning it back to the earth. Thus, all shall come to pass but the earth remains, changing but still resilient. Thus, man cannot claim the earth as their own. It would be better if it will be put in this way: the earth is borrowed from the future to be developed by the present and whatever the past has done will be carried on by the present.

The Present

The present, meaning we that are living, have the responsibility to care for the earth, not only for ourselves, but for the future's sake. All of us that are living share the responsibility of preparing the earth for the young and the unborn because they have no ability, whatsoever, to affect the earth. They can just live and experience the earth the way they will find it. May it be a dirty, hopeless and hatred-driven world or a clean, peaceful and happy world, only we can affect it. We've seen it and experienced it, didn't we? From the mistakes and undoing of the past, we've seen the ugly side of the world and from their achievements, we've experienced the better side of it.


If questions will be asked to somebody, try asking yourself: What do I like now? What do I dislike now? What did I like that my ancestors have done? What did I not like on what my ancestors have done? How can I make this world a better place to live in for now?

It's more on the issues of the present and the past. Things that were, weren't, are and aren't done. Things that could be as big as accidents or as small as a piece of wrapper. Things that could be as bizarre as the landing on the moon or as mundane as everyday breakfast.

“What do I like now?” It's for the things to be maintained.

“What do I dislike now?” It's for the things to be changed for the better.

“What did I like that my ancestors have done?” It's for the things to be assessed that could still be for the better now.

“What did I not like on what my ancestors have done?” It's for the things not to be repeated; the grave mistakes of the past that must have caused suffering and strife.

“How can I make this world a better place to live in for now? “ It's for the things that can and should be done and maintained. Things that will affect your life in the next few years to come, and surely, those that will come after you.

In the end, no matter how we try to explain it, it all boils down to the same idea. That all the things that have been done affected us and all the things that we are doing affects those after us. That it is our responsibility to treat this world our best just like how we treat something that is not ours. Because this place is owned by those that comes after us and all those that will follow. How would you feel if your knife was returned to you rusted and blunt?

11.10.2006 English Writing Session

Det er, egentlig, vår "writing session" på Engelsk, men jeg er ferdig med min arbeid. Jeg nesten ble tom for ord. >_<>_>

Jeg er bare later som å skrive mer om min essay/stil. hmm.. skal jeg skriver ut eller nei? hmmm....~_~

aaarggh! min venstre øye gjøre vondt fremdeles!! Jeg legger min kontaklens opp ned igjen!! grrr!! dumt dumt dumt!! >=, c og jeg har baskettrenning fremdeles i natt. og jeg må betale for min lisens om basket som jeg kan spille om kampen på Lørdag. og jeg er bli tom om "solution" for min kontaklenser. aargh!! så mye problemer!!

oh well.. til neste gang!
(I'll translate it when I got the chance to) hehehehe.

October 2, 2006

02.10.06 Høst Pause

Disse uke, vi har høst pause.. en uke uten skole..
jeg vet ikke hva skal jeg gjore disse uke men jeg kan ikke bare gjore ingenting.. det vil være dårlig og kjedelig. >_> so, jeg skal lære norsk for denne uke. Jeg vet ikke hvis alle av hva jeg har hatt skrive er riktig. >_< trenger å lære mer..


From the Philippine Daily Inquirer

I can't believe this.. the Philippines only has P1B pesos of calamity fund??????!!! wtf?! that's barely enough to repair an entire city.. more like just half of it.. =< don't you guys see how bad the Philippines' government now? It's filled with simple minded idiots addicted to money and power.. they don't know how to set priorities.. I say, PH needs to improve in education and health service.. and from there on, everything will start to grow.. once you take care of the basic necessities of the people, they don't have anything else to bother about.. they're happy.. then they start working to repay the country and in turn, it is returned.. and then a never ending cycle ensues.. unless of course, stained by those who lost their mind to greed and power.. and if those people who says we can't blame them because they can't help themselves, I tell them, no one with the determination to make the world a better place will be lured by greed and power.. It doesn't suit him at all.. but instead, rich and fame follows in his wake.. it is not his desire but it will come to him..

the idea is simple, although the details are complex.. but nonetheless, it's simple..
am I right??

-- Post comments for any discussions --

I guess I'm becoming weird huh??
more like frustrated and guilty.. because I hate to accept that I like to live here.. but I love my country, no matter how dirty and messed up it might seem.. I will stand by it.. and someday, I'll do my share of making that place a better place.. I promise..

PS: donate pillows to the Hospital next to UP Manila.. they don't have enough pillows..

September 27, 2006

27.09.06 Pølsefest

I går kveld, hadde vi pølsefest hjemme hos Cathrina og Cecilia.
Det var morsomt fordi mange AFS-studenter hadde kommer.. og.. well.. det er morsomt!
Jeg kan vent ikke til alle av oss lære norsk. og jeg vet det er vanskelig å snakke norsk men det er hyggelig å se alle prøver veldig hardt å snakke. Jeg synes de mest av oss er triste, kansje fordi vi savnere vår familiere.Men, jeg tror, det vil ikke hjelp oss fordi vi kan ikke gjore noenting om det.

Last night, we had a pølsefest at Cathrina and Cecilia's home.
It was fun because many AFS-students came. and.. well.. it was fun!
I can't wait until all of us learn norwegian. And I know that it's hard to speak norwegian, but we must try.
I think that most of us are sad because we are missing our families, but, I think, it won't help us because we can't do anything about it.

Although, it was quite unfortunate that I needed to go early because my host brother had some homeworks to do. I know I could have chosen to stay, but I don't want my host dad to drive back again just a couple of hours after. I know he's tired too. I would've chosen to stay though, if out of the circumstances.. I wanted to talk more with the other students.. but oh well, what's done is done.. there's still a second time, though.. ^^

September 26, 2006

26.09.06 Fysikk

I dag, fikk jeg fysikk. Jeg gjørde bra, etter min mening. Vi fikk prøver tidligere dette morgen og jeg bare ikke være ansvar oppgaver 6. oh well.. jeg gjøre en del venner fordi jeg ansvart so flott om dobbelspalteforsøken.. hehe..

gosh.. took me about 10 minutes to write all those things above..
but anyway.. I recieve frequent mails with my dad and the rest of my family these days so I'm happy.. and I'm trying my best to learn norwegian now.. because:
Norwegian = Job = Extra Money!!!!!!!!!

here's the things that I have learned so far during my almost 2 months stay here in Norway:
1. Learned to listen without understanding a damn thing.
2. Learned to love biking again.
3. Learned to interact with people from different countries.
4. Learned to sleep at 10.00 at night.
5. Learned to wake-up at 7.00 daily.
6. Learned to lay-up with my left hand.
7. Learned different bad words (german, portuguese, norwegian)
8. Learned that Philippines is ahead when it comes to education in terms of age (not quality, mind you =P)
9. Learned to speak english with confidence (since I don't have much of a choice)
10. Learned about snus. (I don't and I won't try it, though. again, I will NOT try it)
11. Learned that people are the same wherever they are. Only the outside, culture and language is different. But personalities are the same.
12. Learned to spend 500 pesos a day on a few pieces of bread and some milk.
13. Learned to drink milk everyday.
14. Learned to cut wood.
15. Gained my first 'sahod'.
16. Learned to change my jeans every other week. (hehehe.. believe me, nobody minds)
17. Learned that you can take your bike with you on the train.
18. Learned how to wire a CAT-5 cable with a RJ-55 head. (networking)
19. Learned about the circle of 5ths.
20. Learned to speak a little more norwegian.
21. Learned to understand a lot more norwegian.
22. Learned the difference between o, u, ø, å and a,æ,e
23. Learned that math is indeed the universal langauge. ( only subject I can actually understand is Math )
24. Learned that norway is one of the top 5 of the most expensive countries in the world. ( found out too late.. <_< )
25. Learned to value my alone time.
26. Learned what Philippines need to rise up from poverty.
27. Learned that you can believe in a God but have no religion.
28. Learned that I want to study spanish. (weird, huh?)
29. Learned that Kamusta is derived from Como Estas. (try saying both words.. sounds the same, right?)
30. Learned to pick mushrooms.
31. Learned that in the future, I would want to work here.
32. Learned that I don't like girls with too much make-up. (believe me, every girl in this school always have make-up)
33. Learned how to cook Tinola.
34. Learned that I would like a house that has a bit of Europian influence.

uhhh.. that's all for now, I guess.. hehe.. looks like I learned a lot of things!

September 23, 2006

23.09.06 First Salary

I dag, har jeg 300.- kroners!! penger penger penger!!
I have it here in my left pocket of my pants.. anyone who wants to steal it?? hehehe.. just joking!
I dag, har jeg vasket min mor's bilen.. det er min jobbet for nå.. hehehe..
har noen av du har jobbet med din værtsfamilie?

jeg er gla fordi jeg har penger.. hehehe^^

September 19, 2006

16.09.06 Oslo with Killian and Others

Forrige Lørdag, vi vært til Oslo og jeg ble der fra kl 10.30 til 8.00. Vi bare gikk rundt og gjorde ingenting. >.<

It's nice to meet up with Elizabeth, Killian, Matteus, Ignaz and Flavio. We also met some people from the other camp which I forgot the names. As the first sentence told, we just walked around, doing absolutely nothing but talk and eat. Mostly talk. But at the end of the day, we did manage to go to the park with all the naked statues (I forgot the name of the park) and stayed there and relaxed a bit. It was nice to talk with my old group mates again (Killian, Elizabeth, Matteus and I are in the same group, and they were also living quite far from me, so its nice to talk with them again).. We basically shared things about our families, school, activities, problems (with money, most of the time) and future meetings.

I guess their 234 kroners wasn't entirely wasted.. I think. (very expensive bus)

now I'm deciding if I will go to the Pølsefest with my host brother. (I think he doesn't want to come because he's playing almost all the time. Kinda reminds me of myself when I was back at home.)

Oh yeah, haven't posted that I joined a Basketball team in Asker. We are about 11 - 13 people and most of them are good. (Better than me, I'm quite sure. I was like the suckiest of all. >.<)

And for making money, I'm thinking of washing cars because whenever I pass the streets, I always see dirty cars and it sorts of annoys me..(Obsessive Compulsive here).. I'm still thinking how I can get customers and how much to charge them though.. I've seen a Self-wash center and it's 10 kroners for 35 seconds.. I guess it's safe to charge 150 - 200 kroners then.. $_$

September 12, 2006

12.09.06 Pizzakveld (Pizza Night)

I kveld, vi had pizzakveld på Cecilia's hjemme. Jeg hadde mye morsomt!! (?)
(Tonight, we had a pizza night in Cecilia's home / flat. I had much(or lots and lots of, since I can't find a word for lots) fun.)
Most of the people there, I met already but it's always good to meet new people. It's nice to see other people, from all over the world, trying to communicate to each other and trying to learn a new language. I guess this AFS arranged gatherings are really quite helpful because they encourage the students to study norwegian to be able to communicate with others properly. Well, that's what it does to me, at least..

I am disappointed with myself, though, because I can't open up a conversation with anyone. Perhaps, I'm just too shy.. I want to change.. This is the same exact thing that I was thinking after the City tour in Oslo and now I haven't changed.. I'll start tomorrow.. I'll change.. I have to.. if I want to have friends, I need to.. this isn't Philippines anymore, where I can just mind my own business knowing that I have friends.. here, I don't (and won't) have friends if I did the same things I have been doing this past few years..

I've set my mind. I will change.
I think therefore I am.
.. Cogito ergo sum ..

September 9, 2006

09.09.2006: 1st Actual Post

yey! I´ll finally be able to update you guys on something..

first and foremost, Norway is quite great.. hmm.. wait.. I take it back..
Norway is really really great!
The weather´s nice so far and the people are kind, but cold at times, both the person and the weather :P
The food aint really different, they have bread, rice, potatoes, steaks, meat, etc.. nothing really strange..
but anyway.. the only thing that bugs me are the prices..
to make it short, the prices of the things here and in the Philippines is the same, in terms of numbers, example, a bottle of coke is P10 and 10 Kroners.. the catch is 1 kroner = 6 Pesos.. ^^
but everything else is great..
My host family is really great.. hopefully I haven´t gotten into trouble yet..
They are happy with me so far (as far as I can tell)..
My school life, however, is CRAP.
I can only understand about a quarter of what the teacher is teaching.. (well, except for english and math) but its going to be better soon enough.. and Ive got a handful of friends to help me up.. Ive joined the local basketball team (which seem to frustrate me more because my self pounding is coming out again).. Its quite safe here too because I can bike or walk out late at night with less worry than I would have if I walked the same time back there.. but you know, come to think of it, Norway aint as different as any place in the world, in terms of people.. the same kinds of people from there are here.. the snobby, the jocks, the kind people, the nerd, the geeks, the smart, the sporty, the friendly, the weird, the talented, etc.. its all the same.. some of the faces are quite the same too.. probably has to do with migration and genetics but what the heck.. anyway.. somehow, I miss home.. I miss my old life.. and to be honest, Im quite scared what will happen when I come back.. what will I see, hear, feel, smell, taste.. everything..

August 30, 2006


Jeg er på skole gjør ingenting med min time.

hmmm.. what to do?


August 24, 2006


As you can see.. I changed the title of this blog because I'll make this a new blog. It's to blog all the things that are going on here in norway.

April 13, 2006

What to put?

What's going on with my life.. hmm..

I can't retrieve my resume from my other pc..

I love my girlfriend, rizza!

I love neopets!

I love guitar!

I've got no load, for my cellphone..

I've got no money..

I'm craving for juice but there isn't any..

It's hot! It's summer!

uhm.. neopets?

I just cleared my old account, rystraum_uyr.. I've got nothing to do.. hehe.. :D

April 6, 2006

:: Neopets ::

dahil walang magawa..

mag neopets!!

haha!! :D

add me as neofriend:

++ Lighter Days ++

:: Badtrip ::


kasi ndi ako makaisip ng seryosong bagay na pedeng ilagay sa isa ko pang blog..







wala lang..

++ Lighter Days ++

:: Update ::

weeeeeeee.... just updated my OS to Service Pack 2..
thanks to raissa..

the service pack 2 should've taken me days to download since I'm just connected by dial-up.. (poor me.. T_T)

thanks raissa!!

now, I can block those annoying pop-ups.. haha!!

the firewall ain't working though.. I need to find my old firewall.. hmm...

that's all for now..
++ Lighter Days ++

:: Party ::

It was Regine's Birthday yesterday..
Regine's birthday/graduation party was so much fun..
our class had a little reunion.. and.. well..
it was fun!!

There were a LOT of food, courtesy of regine, of course.. :D
and quite a lot came too.. about half or 3/4 of the class came..
so, it was fun..
and there was a time when they were putting icing on everyone..
everyone was running for dear life.. hehe..
Nicos even put some on my hair and it got all sticky..
it even hardened after a while..
I've got myself a sweet gel.. literally sweet.. hehe.. :D

but behind the seemingly happy event..
lies something brooding and serious..


I won't tell about it..

I don't want to post serious things here..

Peace out! :D

++ Lighter Days ++

March 31, 2006


hmm.. si ayra, bangag ngayon..

hmm.. wait lang.. parang may mali..

si ayra, bangan na naman.. as usual..


wala lang..

++Lighter Days++

Kwentuhan by-product #2

naisip namen.. pano kaya kung 14 kaming magkakapatid noh?

tuition fee namen, every year, 1/2 million..
allowance per month, 40+ thousand..
pag may nangaway sa isa, 13 ang resbak..
ang kotse namen ay bus na.. hehe..

tapos kunyari, lahat kami valedictorians..
isang buong lineage ng valedictorians, under one surname lang.. hehe..
tapos kunyari, lahat musically inclined..
isang orchestra kagad.. haha!!
tapos kunyari, lahat athletic..
isang buong team kagad..
tapos kunyari, paglaki, lahat bumili ng sari-sariling bahay..
subdivision kagad.. hehe.. :D
tapos kunyari, lahat na nagtratrabaho under one company..
team kagad.. hehe..
tapos kunyari, lalabas, buong family, may sari-sariling car..
convoy!! tapos sa gitna yung limo ng parents.. parang presidential convoy!! haha!! :D

pero sa umpisa, kawawa yung mga magulang namen..

soe.. ayun.. wala lang..
++Lighter Days++