Final Farewell

Mayauru the fairy lost her memory and lived alone in the forest. One day a girl happened to come by and they became friends. The girl called lots of friends and they all played happily but Mayauru wasn't human and aged slowly. The children grew up and eventually forgot about Mayauru. And then, the girl that she first met... was the only one left. But that girl grew up and wouldn't play with her anymore. Even so, the grown-up girl couldn't forget Mayauru and came back. Finally, Mayauru gave the lonely-looking girl a present. Words of farewell. Until then, people didn't know of the words of farewell. Mayauru was a farewell fairy. She'd forgotten that because it's painful to have nothing but farewells. The grown-up girl learned the words from Mayauru. And that girl who knew the words of farewell...? She became the world's kindest person. Shouldn't we just part with a smile? Sayounara.
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
Last Episode
The time for farewells is finally upon me and I would bear it as happily as I could. Besides from the fact that it is inevitable, everyone knew right from the start that I am just a fleeting shadow -- just passing by;but nonetheless, they befriended me. Just like Mayauru, being an exchange student is like being a farewell fairy. First I said goodbye to my family, to my friends, to my life and went off to a land unknown. I've found myself a new family and met a lot of friends to play with, momentarily forgetting that I am a farewell fairy and that before I know it, I would be saying farewells all over again. This time, a farewell that just doesn't say "I'll see you later" but, mixed with the fear of the reality that can happen, "We'll never see each other again".

Farewells should not be "I'll never see you again" but rather "I had fun being with you" because if the words "I'll never see you again" wouldn't do anything to change your fate, it is just folly to do it.

This is my gift to you: my words of farewell.
Farewell that says "I had fun being with you"
Farewell that says "I am a better person after I met you"
Farewell that says "I will never forget you"
Farewell that says "You are always in my heart"
Farewell that says "Thank you for everything"
Farewell that says "I love you"

I am, but a fairy of farewells.
Shall we part then with a smile?

Good bye.
Ha det.
Au revoir.
Auf Wiedersehen.

PS: for wrong translations, just send me a message.

November 24, 2006

Bærbar PC

Idag, kjopt jeg min egen bærbar PC! Og jeg bruker den nå.
hmm.. kanskje, det blir litt dårlig for min skyld fordi jeg kunne miste kontroll over min databruk men jeg skal prøve å bruke ikke denne så mye.
så, jeg har min egen PC. hva å gjøre på den?
Onlin Spill: Selvfølgelig ikke! Denne er den først og fremst ting som kan driver meg å miste kontrol over meg.
Photoshop: Kanskje. Jeg begynte å drive med 'icons' nylig og laget noe nå.
Musikk: Selvfølgelig. Musikk er alltid godt.
HTML/Webdesign: Litt enig. Forbedre min kunnskap om denne måte.

hmm.. skal vi se.. kanskje, den er mer om dette men nå, er det alt jeg kan tenke på.
men, forresten.. nylig, Raghnild har vært litt irritert nå. Hun alltid si at jeg må gjøre den og denne. Og alltid at hun tror at jeg må bli sosialt med andre ungdom, osv. Tingen er jeg er ikke den slag person. Jeg liker ikke å være med andre mennesker alltid. Kanskje, mest av tiden. Den er på grunn at jeg kan bli bare med min egen selv og ikke bli ensom. Jeg er min egen bestevenn. Kanskje, hun prøver å forandre meg om tanken at det er bedre for meg. Å bli kjent med alt jeg kan møte. Men, den er ikke sånn. Der er mange typer av mennesker og der er ingen typer som er "beste" eller "verst." Samme med AFS sa, "Not better, not worse, just different." Jeg håper at hun skal se den.

Men jeg liker ikke å kverulere med henne fordi hun har nok problemer med Fredrik. Ofte, kan jeg høre eller se dem kverulere. Noen gang på veldig veldig vanlig ting. Så, jeg vil ikke "add up to the weight." Åja, når jeg fortalte dem at jeg kjopt en PC, huns reaksjon var sånn jeg trodde skal bli.

Today, I bought my own PC and I'm using it now.
maybe, it will be a little bad for my sake because i could lose control over my use of it but, wouldn't it be a test of will? I will stop myself from using it too much.
but.. uhh.. I have a laptop; what do I do with it?
MMORPG: Definitely not! It's one of those things that cause me to lose control.
Photoshop: Probably. I've been around making LJ icons quite recently and I enjoy it. ^_^
Music: Definitely! Music is always good! ~_~
HTML/Webdesign: Yes, probably. I want to change the look of my blogs. I'm a little bit tired of them now.

but, anyway..
Raghnild have been a little irritating quite recently. She always tells me to do this and that. And she always thinks that I should be more sociable. Like get to know everyone in my class and go out of the house instead of staying in. It starts to make me think that she doesn't want me inside the house (in the literal sense, though.) The thing is, I'm not that kind of person that needs to know everyone in the class. The kind of person that needs to go out all the time. I'm not that.Maybe, she's trying to change me, thinking that I will be a better person if I became that. But no, there's lots of kinds of persons in the world. And no such kind of person is the best and the worst. It's just that we're different. Different, but not wrong or worse.

But anyway.. enough about that. I just hope she sees my point. I want her to see it herself, without my suggestions or input.

oh well.. that's that.
Thanks dad for the financial support.
Specs are:
Price: 6.000 Norwegian Kroners
Processor: Intel Celeron M 1.46Ghz
RAM: 512MB
VC: Integrated ATI Graphics Card
VCM: 128MB
Hard Disk Memory: 60GB
USBSlots: 2
Disk Drive: DVD Multi Recorder, 8xDVD,24xCD
Wireless Network Support: Yes
WAN: not sure
LAN: Yes
Modem: should this even be asked?
Weight: around 2-3Kgs
VistaReady: It says on the Logo here but I don't think so... (I want the 3D effect so I think not.. hehehe)
OS: Windows XP Home 2nd Edition, Original (What do you expect? it's norway!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?